Jainam Software gives you speed, security and success. Here you can open RD account close and then reopen. It shows how the interest is calculated after reopening the RD. The data is persisted even after closing of the RD account.
Below are the guidelines for opening and closing RD, FD, Saving accounts.
Guideline 1 : Search customer > Click on Deposit option

Guideline 2 :
You can see deposit entry form for recurring deposit, You can fill up all details related to RD account like below configuration you can enter all details and calculate deposit interest amount, and then save that deposit on particular date.
Deposit Entry For Jainam (9403180993)

Guideline 3 :
After deposit saved. You can search that deposit from search bar using system generated deposit number D-50. Now you can see all details like transaction RD Card settlement option print option in that deposit. Installment tracker will generate like below screen shot for 100 days, if tenure is 100 days mentioned.

Guideline 4 :
After above steps staff can do the field collection using our mobile App, Marchant or Owner of the company can hire employee and assign collection work to the employee as a Collection Agent. In below photo you can see from where he can do the collection using our Mobile App. Field Collection > Deposit Collection List.

Once collection done Admin can check Deposit transaction or collection report and he can verify collection amount in one click. Like this so on staff needs to do collection for given tenure.
Guideline 5 :
If Member wants to close the deposit account then we can use settlement and pay option to settle their principle amount with interest of that period of time and click on pay option. Once amount is paid, it will reflect in that deposit transaction. Now we can give then RD Closure certificate and we can close the deposit easily clicking on Close option.

Guideline 6 :
Marchant or Admin or staff can give RD Certificate to member saying your total amount with interest paid from our company and your account is closed as of now today with us. Certificate we can configure according to your customized request and also we have pre-configured template in Jainam Software.

We are happy to help you!
NBFC, Small Finance Bank, MFIs, Credit Co-operative Society, Nidhi, ChitFund, Group Finance, Hire Purchase, Recovery Agency, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Collection Company, Insurance Company, Money Lenders, Susu Company, Credit Officer Collection, RD, FD, Savings.
Email : support@jainamsoftware.com