CBR- Credit Bureau Reporting

Credit Bureau Reporting:  feature in Jainam Software allows the lender to generate the credit report of the customer automatically on one click before the lender approves the loan. This allows the lender to provide loans to borrowers who are at minimum risk of defaulting. Jainam Software provides the lender the Credit Rating, Credit History and…


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Credit Bureau Reporting:  feature in Jainam Software allows the lender to generate the credit report of the customer automatically on one click before the lender approves the loan. This allows the lender to provide loans to borrowers who are at minimum risk of defaulting. Jainam Software provides the lender the Credit Rating, Credit History and also Credit Suggestion. Jainam Software also has the facility for Credit Bureau report upload where the Lender can upload the defaulters information to the credit Information Bureau.

Jainam Software reports are downloaded from and uploaded to CRIF Highmark, one India’s largest Credit Information Bureau approved by RBI.

Below is the process showing the Credit report download/Upload feature of Jainam Software

Credit Report Generation Steps

1: Create Customer Profile or Customer On-boards through lenders website

2: Lender Clicks on Upload Documents button

3: Lender Selects Credit Score Report from the drop box and clicks on the Add Without File button.

4: Once the file is added, Lender clicks on the Upload All Files button

5: Once the Upload All files button is clicked, The Credit score Report document is added in jainam software.

6: On click of the Verify Button Jainam Software verifies the customers Name,  Mobile Number, DOB and NID. Once these inputs are verified jainam software pulls the credit score report from CRIF and displays it in Doc Number column along with the credit Rating.

7: Click on the rating and the credit score report is visible to the lender  for analysis.

8: For Credit Report Upload: Click on Status Report> Credit Bureau. Click on Credit Bureau> Select the Date range and Refresh. The Credit bureau report for upload is displayed. This report can then be uploaded to CRIF.

Summary: Credit Bureau Reporting is one of the significant features that every business requires. Jainam Software has inbuilt Credit bureau reporting service that helps every customer to generate the report automatically on one click. Also on one click the Lender can generate the defaulter report in jainam software and upload it to CRIF. These features not only save money but a tremendous amount of time is also saved for every Financer.

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