Jainam Software provides a perfect Automatic Digital Accounting System  module . All Loan related accounting is done automatically. Other than loan, different types of expenses and income can also be maintained. Jainam Software provides chart of accounting to help manage all the ledgers. Required Ledgers can be created or they can be added from Add…


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Jainam Software provides a perfect Automatic Digital Accounting System  module . All Loan related accounting is done automatically. Other than loan, different types of expenses and income can also be maintained. Jainam Software provides chart of accounting to help manage all the ledgers. Required Ledgers can be created or they can be added from Add to favourite. Most of the required Ledgers are in the Add to favourite section. Add to favourite ledgers are already put into respective groups so there is no need to think and add them to appropriate groups. For example if you choose electricity expenses. Electricity Expenses are already added to the Indirect expenses group. And Late Fee Credit is the income part and is already added to Indirect Income. All Expenses (dr) and Income(cr) is added appropriately to the groups as indirect expense or Indirect Income. Assets and liabilities are also segregated and added. We can add the Business Capital/Opening balance through the Opening balance in the ledger.

Specific entrier or record within an accounting automation in Jainam Software can be located almost instantly .

Automated Ledger and Accounting Journey of Jainam Software

1: Create Ledger: Select Ledger >Create: Ledger is created

2: Add the Ledger to the Favourite List: Select Ledger> Add to Favourite: All the created Ledgers will be added to your ledger favourite list.

3: Add Opening Balance: We can add opening balance through the Opening balance screen in Ledger

4: Business Summary Dashboard: shows the total cash in hand and bank. Business capital is injected in the software through the accounting module.

5: Cash Withdrawal: This feature is used to withdraw cash from the bank: Select bank Name, Enter Amount and Narration, Select the date and Click on Save

6: Cash deposit: Jainam Software allows to deposit cash in the bank . Select bank Name, Enter Amount and Narration, Select the date and Click on Save

7: Journal Entry: Expenses and Income can be added through Journal Entry. To add any sort of expenses or income like Tea and Coffee expenses, car expenses, electricity Expenses, Late Fee, Processing fee etc  they all can be added through Journal Entry.

8: Accounting Summary: Entire accounting summary can be seen in Business summary > Account Statement. Click on Business Summary> Account Statement>Account statement screen is displayed Select a date or date range, Select Account and Click on Refresh

Any wrong entries  can be deleted through account statement

Therefore to sum up the list of accounts in Jainam software is organized into the following general ledger categories:

  • Assets
  • Liabilities
  • Income
  • Expenditure

These categories cannot be removed or modified and new categories cannot be added.  All these categories and all the accounting entry  is done automatically in jainam software.