Jainam Software provides account wise QR code. Using Jainam QR code you can integrate with any system and start doing the collection directly in your bank account. Jainam Software provides end of the day data reconciliation utility through which thousands of transactions get settled in few seconds.

Jainam QR code feature helps mainly microfinance companies to run the business paperless and with bare minimum manual effort. Jainam Software provides below facilities for micro finance collection
- Field collection using mobile app – Using mobile app, collection agent can get list of overdue amount and make entries on the field. The synchronization is done in real time.

- Customer payment using mobile app – Using mobile app, customer can directly make payment which gets settled in loan or deposit account.

- eNACH facility – Using daily eNACH reduces the effort of collection. Jainam software connects with bank which internally connects with National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI)

- QR code based facility – Every loan or deposit account has unique QR code. Customer can make payment via any UPI supported app. The reconciliation is done by end of the day batch processing.